The Heather Ross fabrics which I won from a giveaway on A La Mode. =) =) They are as lovely as I thought they will be. I got the pink combi, pink dreambikes and the white fishy ones. The individual fishes are named, how cute is that?! I remember having several goldfish when I was young. My sisters, cousins and I merely called them, "The Fat One", "The Slow One", "The Ugly One", and similar names. We constantly argued amongst ourselves for calling the wrong fishes the wrong names. *The Fat One is fat for goodness sakes!*
Anyhoo, Heather (from A La Mode) was so nice to tie the bundle of goodness up, so prettily in a black ribbon, with her biz card. She sells the loveliest things on Etsy (I love love love her rag quilts). And! And! *Here, I cry out excitedly*, Heather included some of the selvages of the fabrics =) =) =). Can you tell how widely I'm smiling now? I'm not sure whether selvages are supposed to form part of fat quarters, but so far, I see little of the selvages on the fat quarters which I have purchased in the past.
Perhaps one day I'll get some of Far Far Away as well =). I'm thinking of doing some research on Paypal when the inter-semester break rolls around...
This is one of my favourite prints =). Heather Ross is truly inspiring.
She takes the simple things, events and ideas in the mundane, everyday life,
and turn them into something beyond memorable and adorable =).
Look at the bikini flying in the wind, by the tree!
And then, the postie on bike brought the ribbons which I purchased on Trade Me. The lovely Farbenmix ribbons! I have been eyeing them for months, and I finally decided to buy some after gawking at the ribbons on Flickr.
They are all stuffed in my trusty re-used coffee jar.
And finally, a much less interesting (but very important) package from the postie:
This calls for brooches time!
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