
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sweet love :)

A couple of weeks back, I found some lovely masking tape in a post over at the wonderful bloomize and it led me to the Graphia website. Because the website is in Japanese, I struggled to comprehend the details of the goodies featured on it.

This is what I think the page is saying (with the help of MSN Live Translator): A new magazine featuring Tokyo stores which sells sweet delicacies is being published, and in conjunction with its release, a range of stationery has been designed and is being sold.

I'm probably wrong ;), but that shouldn't stop us from feasting our eyes on the following goodies!

Pages from the magazine:

The stationery line:

Stickynote Set

Minicard Set

Block Memo

Masking Tape



That's all the delicious treats for today :D.
Have a wonderful weekend!

PS: I'm now feeling much better! No more sleeping for only 2 hours due to constant coughing, and I have far less coughing fits. Thank you all again for your advice and comments on my "sick" post :).


  1. Lyn, these are CUTE. I Don't know how you find these...but Thank you ! I love these,...all of these ! Love love love !

    So happy you are much better ! ;)

  2. oh cute! almost good enough to eat ; )

  3. I luv this post! Makes me so happy just by looking at all those yummy treats :). Glad you're feeling better! :D

  4. Oh my, more zakka and kawaii sweetness to drool at! Thank you for the birthay greetings! It made my day. :)

  5. These are gorgeous sweet items! I adore those lovvely megnats! Have a lovely merry happy week and i hope your exam went really well! Love to you!


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I love reading every one of them =)