A few posts back, I expressed my hopes to attempt to sell my handmade goods online. I had everything all mapped out in my mind - account details, packaging and what-nots have all been sorted out and secured.
And a week ago, I went to the post office to sort out the last item on my list - to check for the cost of postage. I nearly had a heart attack when the cashier gave me a quote on the postage. It costs
USD 5.70 to send ONE of my Chubbes to the UK and US.
I kid you not. That postage for that tiny thing is so darn expensive. Maybe I'm slightly ignorant in saying this, but I do think that the cost is really too much!
This makes me think that it would not be wise open a store on Etsy. I am not looking to have an idle store.

Whether or not I should proceed really depends on how much a potential customer is willing to spend on my goods. If you can help me out in this respect, it would be great! :)
I would like to find out the following:
What is the maximum amount (inclusive of postage) you are willing to spend on one of my Chubbees?
If you can help me out, that would be great! I would be really grateful! :)
Note: A Chubbee is about 70 mm in height.
Thank you soooo much in advance! :)