
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hello hello!

Hello everyone!
After a long period of absence, I'm still surprised to see that I still have followers! Yay! So a big thank you for sticking with me while I was going through a horrible period of silence.
It was the exam period, and I had to begin studying a month before my first exam, and sadly, it consumed almost all of my time.
Apart from the exams, October was quite eventful. I turned one year older last month! I had the yummiest cake ever - Green Tea & Fruits. It was so good that the boyfriend decided to order the very same one (but three times the size) for his own birthday! I was not able to take a very nice picture of it, and this was the only I took:

Mhmmmm... Look at the fruits!

I will be leaving Auckland again this summer. This time, instead of bumming around, I will be interning! So this summer would be quite interesting, I think.
So I'll be flying off soon. Wouldn't it be great travel on a hot air balloon or paper plane? ^.^

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